
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

1 Steak 3 cats

One Steak, Three Cats  When two equal and opposite forces seek to consume the same desired object at the same time, a third weaker force - that discounts the needs or wants of the two warring forces  - can and will consume that object.

Whether this third force achieves success depends on the subsequent actions of the initial two forces.

If they both maintain their tug of war stance and refuse to cooperate, they both lose, not only the object, but also their pride, when the third weaker force walks away with their prize.

In this video, if the first and second cats combined their energies and goals and overpowered the opportunistic smaller cat they would win the steak and the smaller cat would lose.

If they practise understanding, negotiation and cooperation, they all win, but only when each cat has realized that there is more than enough steak for even that weaker third cat to have a share.

This is a rule that applies throughout Nature, whenever and wherever scarcity occurs. It occurs in the animal kingdom, and amongst humans. It cuts across all racial and class boundaries, and is rife throughout human systems, including through many political systems like the US Congress.

Think of the two dominant cats as politicians, then think of the power wielded by lobbyists for large organizations as the third, weaker yet opportunistic force. Were political men and women united in their goal to genuinely improve life for the citizenry, this third force would simply cease to exist. It would not die away but would simply revert to its original state. For surely even the most assertive lobbyists were once men and women of good conscience?

Just as unyielding, unthinking animals continue to dominate the natural world, similarly minded men and women - who are deemed far wiser than such animals - continue to inhabit and dominate our western judicial and political systems. Our only defence against their treachery is to cooperate with one another, to unite in heart and goals so as to render the opportunists ineffective while creating a better life for all.

We are stronger as a whole than any segment of that whole. So, we humbly invite the myriad disruptive 3rd force agents of this world to wake up and smell the coffee, while there are still bees to fertilize the coffee crops. Nature does not subduing, she needs our help!

By truly caring about humanity and realizing the value of sincere understanding, negotiation and cooperation, we can all enjoy positive changes in our lives. Only when we each recognize and accept and play our part in the greater plan, will the quality of everyone's life and law improve.