
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Song For Peace

In 21st century it has become quite normal and expected to speak of angels, and one can now read about angelic interventions in magazines or see shows about them on mainstream television and movies. But times were quite different half a century ago. In London, UK, during the mid-1950s, our family didn't own any kind of television nor even a telephone.

My young life revolved around school activities, neighbourhood friends, family and church. It was a time of word puzzles, comics and adventure books, hooped petticoats, poodle skirts, rubber-soled sandals, clunky metal roller skates and Mom's practical solutions to everyday problems. Thus my easy familiarity and conversations with invisible angelic beings caused some serious distress to others, especially my convent school nuns.

I learned early to whisper my revelations only to trusted friends, who listened politely, but really did not understand how I could know such things. When I patiently explained that angels imparted the information, they scoffed, telling me that I was haunted by a disembodied war-time spirit or worse, demonically possessed. Neither label fit, of course. I was just an ordinary kid coping with being born psychically aware.

All children are born psychic, but sadly, in the western hemisphere, learn to curb their natural abilities for fear of ridicule or parental disapproval. Perhaps because my Mother was born and raised in India, she tended to encourage rather than dissuade my psychic development.  

I thus grew up knowing that there was another world, mostly hidden from our mainstream world, with which we could interact and from whose inhabitants we could find reassurance and comfort.

My pragmatic Mother also made sure that practical physical and mental activities such as dancing, playing piano, weekly art projects, copious amounts of fresh air time spent playing with neighbourhood kids, doing regular household chores, book-reading and journal writing became part of my daily routine.  We didn't have a TV, but then, we didn't have spare time to watch TV!

Mom's wisdom and diligence in balancing my psychic and mundane lives probably saved my sanity by providing me with a creative outlet for the expressions of my revelations during childhood - and also during the many years beyond.

By the time I had married and emigrated to Canada in 1973, I was comfortable in my own skin, yet still able to depend on my ethereal helpers for important advice about the situations and people I encountered.

At times these Angelic Beings kept me from harm.
But many, many more times, they led me to great joy.
In this blog, I will share with you the many adventures which being psychically aware attracted.
But first, I would like to share with you a magical experience that occurred, not in early childhood, but much later, in the mid-1980s

Do you recall the Reagan administration, before the demise of the Berlin Wall, when the United States considered Russia to be the "evil empire"? It was in those uneasy days that I was treated to a very special "angelic visitation" when the Man in Motion Expo came to Vancouver BC in 1986

My (then) 5 year old son was mesmerized by all the different pavilions, that were built on the EXPO site. Each one represented the ideas and products of a different nation and my son really enjoyed the hustle and bustle of the crowds and the excitement of new discoveries. 

So when he read at the U.N.I.C.E.F. (United Nations Children's Fund) pavilion that they were holding poetry contest to benefit the world's children, he urged me to write a poem that we could both submit. My child's vision and drive was both thrilling and daunting.  So, I took a few days to absorb and creatively process exactly what he was so casually asking of me.

The poem thus wrote itself through me at the precise moment my vision cleared (re. the plight of our world's children) and my intention became strong enough (to write a meaningful poem, as requested by my child).
Its timeless words and accompanying music were delivered, fully finished, in under 7 minutes - which is why I was in no doubt that I had had considerable angelic help in writing it!

Though prophetic in 1986, this song's lyrics continue to unfold into truth as we learn to value each other's soul purpose while at the same time committing our deeds and hearts to the unswerving devotion and service of our planet and all of her lifeforms

Here, as "delivered" by angels more than 20 years ago is

Listen to your inner voice 
   and heed its soulful song;
Give to those who have no choice, 

   till they know they belong
With the family of planet Earth, 

   her Nations and her Friends;
It's time for all to know their worth, 

   for all to live again

For Peace is just a word 
     until the heart begins to know
That instead of sentiment, 
    commitment helps the seed to grow
To nurture shoots of courage, 
    and to learn how to respect
The sunshine of Another's Love, 
    where miracles are kept

In human terms,  this sunshine glows,
    through honour and compassion
With hearts and hope we meet our foes,
    and put our Love in action
For while one person is in need,
    while children stifle fears

We must reach out and feed them,
    they need more than just our tears

They need a chance to laugh and live,
    to learn and understand
Our trespasses they will forgive,
    if we will lend a hand
If we can change our attitudes
    to different sects and races
We'll realize that platitudes
    just cramp and dull
Earth's faces


If Peace would be your mission,
    and you'd like to show you care
Consider your condition,
    starting now become aware
Of your home life and your family,
    of what you can achieve
By sharing, with those friends of yours,
    those ideals you believe

Begin at the beginning,
    and go on until the end
For how can we help planet Earth,
    until we are her friend
Till we learn to give as well as take
    and not keep any score
Till we become the love we make
    through the Love that we ignore



The poem didn't win that U.N.I.C.E.F contest. No biggie! I was delighted just to have been involved in birthing it. 

In 1990, I recited the poem, set to original music, as part of my Shangri-La Relaxation and Meditation Tape, which is now also available in CD format. 

Next SECTION 1 - Chapter 1Pink Roses (part 1) Tibetan Monk highlights the importance of pink roses as spiritual emblems throughout my early life - and ends with a surprise apparition!

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